Uwell Caliburn Kit

1.084 RSD


Увелл Цалибурн је компактни и преносиви системски комплет који је први Увелл-ов комплет за вапе. Долази са уграђеном батеријом од 520 мАх и кертриџом за пуњење од 2 мл. Цалибурн подржава функције директног вапе и дугмета за вапе. Вишеструке заштите се примењују како би се гарантовало сигурно и стабилно вапинг. Систем ће аутоматски онемогућити радни режим који се активира извлачењем ако механизам који се активира извлачењем поквари. Добро дизајниран дисајни пут нуди ограничење за осећај затегнуте цигарете, доноси вам одлично искуство вапинга. Можете брзо да закључате или откључате свој Цалибурн са 5 кликова, овај јединствени дизајн побољшава безбедност деце. Осим тога, са паралелним дизајном намотаја, Цалибурн вам може дати бољи укус, веће облаке и глаткије ударце у грло. Доступан у сивој, ирис љубичастој, црвеној, црној, ружичастој, плавој.Параметри комплета Увелл Цалибурн Под:БрендУвеллВеличина110 к 21,2 к 11,6 ммКапацитет е-сока2млКапацитет батерије520мАхМаксимална снага11 ВОпсег излазног напона3,2-4,0В Опсег отпора1,2-1,5 охмОтпор калема под завојнице1,4 омаПакет Увелл Цалибурн Под стартер комплета долази са: 1 к Увелл ЦАЛИБУРН батерија1 к Увелл ЦАЛИБУРН Под картриџ1 к микро УСБ кабл1 к Упутство за употребу



I must say I was hesitant to try a vape pod at first, but I'm glad I did. The size and form factor are great and the battery life is decent. It's very easy to use and it produces good vapor and flavor. The draw is a bit tight, but the flavor was surprisingly nice. However, the biggest downside of the product is the maximum wattage of 11W, which is pretty low compared to other kits. Overall a great one.


I've been using this vape pod for a while now and I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. The battery life isn't as good as I expected and the flavor is a bit weak.


I recently purchased the Uwell Caliburn Kit and I'm so happy with it! It's incredibly compact, fits in any pocket with no problem. I was surprised at the powerful battery as well; it's got a 520 mAh capability, allowing me to vape for a significantly longer period of time. Plus, the wattage output is 11W, so it's able to generate great flavor. When it comes to the actual flavor, the Uwell Caliburn Kit is on another level. The small pod coil resistance is able to generate deep, intense flavor with any type of e-juice. The device is also incredibly easy to refill; it features an intuitive filling system that couldn't be simpler. I think this Caliburn Kit is a great choice for vapers of any level. The price is great, the flavor is exceptional, and the device is so easy to use.


I've been using this uwell kit for a few weeks now. I have to say that I'm really impressed with the flavor, especially considering it is a low-powered device. The pods are easy to switch out and the device itself is super compact, which is great. However, the battery life is really poor. I have to recharge it almost every day and I find myself needing to make sure the battery is always charged. It also takes a long time to charge, making it difficult to use while traveling.


I love this kit. The device is small and compact in size, making it a great choice for anyone who's looking for convenience. The battery life is impressive. As for the flavour, it truly packs a punch! The coil offers amazing flavour and really emphasises various notes and top level performance. The clouds are so satisfying! Overall, build quality is top, the flavour is amazing and the portability factor is great.


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