Uwell Aeglos H2 Empty Pod Cartridge

548 RSD


Аеглос Х2 Под Цартридге је погодан за Увелл Аеглос Под Мод Кит. Има капацитет е-сока од 4,5 мл, има подесиви проток ваздуха. Аеглос Х2 Под усваја 0,18 охм ДТЛ калем и 1,2 охм РДЛ+МТЛ завојницу да вам донесе више стила вапинга. То је празна махуна без калема. 1ком сваки пакет.Параметри замене за Аеглос Х2:БрендУвеллНазив производаАеглос Х2 Под ЦартридгеКапацитет4,5 млСпецификација завојницеМесхед 0,18охм: 55В-60В, месхед 1.2охм: 10В -13В (није укључено)Одговара заУвелл Аеглос Х2 Под Мод КитКоличина1ком у паковањуПакет Аеглос Х2 кертриџа долази са:1 Увелл Аеглос Х2 Емпти Под Цартридге



The question that I keep asking myself is why I have not seen this website before? I could have bought so many beautiful items, delicious tastes and scents and have saved money on all of these purchases. Shame. But I am glad that at least I can do it now.


I feel the happiest when I vape. All my energy is being directed to satisfaction and pleasure. I receive such positive vibes when I vape. Loving it.


I would like to offer my personal opinion to those who may need it. The first time wasn't as cool as imagined. The very first time has to be perfect in other for you to keep ordering, right? For me it wasn't like this. But I decided to try again. The second time was not too good too because the parcel was a bit delayed (slightly not critically) but I still gave Vawoo a chance. Now everything is smooth from time to time. All I am saying is that this website is worth it even when if you experience small issues. The quality of the products is worth it, trust me, I know what I am saying. Respect to Vawoo.


Type (from option)
4.5ml 1pc