Hellvape Destiny RTA

3.358 RSD


Дестини РТА има запремину е-течности од 2мл или 4мл са опционом стакленом цеви са мехурићима. На располагању су вам стаклена цев, Ултем цев и ПЦТГ цев. Ручка са наруквицама је дизајнирана да удобно подешава проток ваздуха. Са паметним дизајном угаоних стубова, инсталација завојнице и сечење ногу завојнице је брже. Двострани систем протока ваздуха који се концентрише на калемове. И једноставно се попуњава.БрендХеллвапеНазив производаДестини РТАВисина 44,9 мм Пречник24 мм Капацитет е-сока2 мл или 4 мл (са опционом стакленом цевчицом)БојеЦрна, потпуно црна, мат СС (Ултем), мат СС (ПЦТГ), СС



The tank is an okay tank but it is much better than the one I got from a store next to my house. That one was totally awful. Maybe there are better pieces than this one but so far I am pleased.


I liked the product very much. I did not reveal any design flaws or shortcomings. What I liked: both the appearance, and processing, and the implementation of side airflow.


Destiny RTA is another successful product from Hellvape and Alex, and a really successful one, as many vapers like me are so happy to use a single coil tank in which you can use "fat" coils.


It is worth paying tribute to the developers, who provided a convenient installation of the spiral at an angle, original airflow and a fairly good volume. Recommend this rta to all my friends.


As for me, the advantages of the tnk rta include classic design; original equipment and 810th drip tip. I could not ignore such an offer!


Color (from option)
Full Black
Matte SS(Ultem)
Matte SS(PCTG)
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